Because the Fourth of July will occur on a Thursday this year, it was decided by a show of hands last week that the Vanzant Bluegrass Jam will not happen that night.  The following Thursday, the 11th, preparations will be underway for the Vanzant Picnic on July 12 and 13, so there will be no jam that night either.  Two weeks without a jam will be hard on some folks, but there should be no further disruption until Thanksgiving.  The year is flying by and Champions are thankful every beautiful day that dawns.  Music is one of those gifts in life.  As Carl Perkins said, “Singing seems to help the troubled soul.”  A person can also use music to lower blood pressure and lift spirits.  It is good medicine.  If you are connected to the internet, you can find almost any music you like.  Father’s day is coming up and one remembers a father who could recall a song that fit any situation.  It made for a pleasant childhood and an overall optimistic outlook.

Haymakers are hard at it.  The countryside hums with machinery.  Even with the lush foliage to absorb it, the droning of equipment is the soft distant background for the buzzing insects and singing birds.  A few cool dry days will benefit farmers who are laying up stores for future need.  Meanwhile, those buzzing insects might really be a condition called tinnitus, something that many old folks might understand.  For those gardeners who plant more than they can tend, and for people who are only now realizing they are old:  there, there.  Buck up.  Remember being young like Skyline School eighth graders, Wyatt Hicks and Zachary Coon.  Wyatt has his birthday on the 13th and Zachary has his on the 17th.  First grader, Axyl Miller celebrates on the 17th and Daniel Parks, in the 7th grade, has the 19th for his special day.  Ava’s lovely Janice Lorrain has the 15th for her party and Champion grandson Foster Wiseman has the 16th for his.  He may be 16!  What?  Time goes by.  Folks visiting from the city are heard to say that being in this part of the world with all its rural magic and small town charm is like going backwards in time.  Of course, looking at the rapidly eroding world situation, everyone must feel that way on some level.  Still, these are being glorious days in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
