Plentiful, interesting information and reports about today’s solar eclipse have been big news and will continue to be for a while yet. It has been enjoyable. As for much of the rest of the news, some of the persistent partisan political poppycock and primacy of fact is interesting. For example, in the Skyline R2 school board election, The Prominent Champion cast the 80th and final vote. Steve Moody, Samantha Adler, and Wes Woods won their seats and will be doing good work for our great school. Politicking will be pervasive from here on out for a while. Civility is the watchword in Champion where candidates for the District 2 Commissioner’s seat stop in to explain their philosophy and their qualifications. We are fortunate to live in a part of the world where we have a say in what happens out on our beautiful country lanes. They are particularly beautiful now with the redbuds, the dogwoods beginning to open, the little wild purple phlox, and all the other wild treasures.

In addition to politicians, Wednesday had some pleasant and interesting visitors from Idaho spending time in Champion. Another bunch of pleasantness came to the Vanzant Jam along with Joann Lawrence and with Toni the equestrian who plans to be there on a regular basis henceforth. A call is going out for fiddlers for the jam. Music has significant positive properties however you find it. “Keep a little song handy, wherever you go, and nothing can ever go wrong.” That thought is attributed to Rude Valle in 1932, but it has merit today.

Mushroom aficionados are having their hay day and hummingbird scouts are checking us out to see if we are ready. We are ready! Bees are buzzing in the dandelions and redbuds. Gardeners are out there doing what must be done to give us the potatoes and onions, turnips, and beets. The tender stuff that cannot stand a freeze will go in later. The almanacs tell us that the 13th and 14th will be good days to plant flowers and other above ground crops. These are good days to start seedbeds too, or you can go see Sue or some of the other wonderful nurseries in the area. Our first Skyline area swap-meet farmer’s market is happening Saturday from 8:00 to noon. Helen Batten says there will be eggs and chicks and sweet Williams. She is hoping that some other participant will have some creeping phlox of the pink variety to sell or trade. It looks like there may be some nicknacks and whatnots. The folks at the Brushy Knob Church at the intersection of Highway C and 76 have donated their parking lot for this venture. With good luck and good community support, we will enjoy second Saturdays at Skyline all spring and summer. See you there.

Tennessee Champion grandson, and now father, Dillon Watts celebrates his birthday on April 12th. He will probably go fishing. On his birthday on the 14th, Bob Berry will likely drive around in his pretty red Studebaker truck, like himself a 1946 model. Another Tennessee gent, Dustin Cline has a birthday on Tax Day, the 15th. He might be in a race car somewhere, or behind a desk. Happy birthday to all of you. While acknowledging special people in our lives, special thanks go out to grown Champion children who come back to help the old folks. Sons and daughters who show up know what is needed and how to make things better. Love and gratitude go together. Meanwhile, we shall gaze at the beauty around us and hope for peace and ease to all the suffering in the world. Blessed in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
