July 11, 2024

CHAMPION—July 8, 2024



The Fourth of July celebrations were legion with friends and families feasting and enjoying the fun at the creeks, at the parades and fireworks displays. There were solemn serious events as well. It turns out there are more people in the world celebrating freedom from the British Empire than celebrate Christmas! They have just had their election over there in the U.K. The loser was dignified in defeat and the winner was magnanimous in victory saying that politics can be used for the good and country before party. It all sounds so civilized. The cultural wars here seem to have so far prevented many from sitting down to a nice cup of tea with “them,” even though they were all just singing that same song. Not so in Champion where the Wednesday gathering featured sugar cookies, apple pie and ice cream together with good humor and friendship among neighbors with differing views.

After the ball was over, that is to say, when the music stopped, a new band member was one of the two damsels in distress out on the Square. One vehicle seemed to have an issue with a little overheating, which the lady ultimately determined not to be so severe that she could not reach her father’s place which is relatively nearby. The musician’s rig turned out to not need jumper cables after all. The General did not have his with him anyway. The Prominent Champion had his, however, they were ineffective. The Farmer went up the hill and brought down a big tractor to give her little car a mega boost, but that did not work either. It turned out to be mold and rust on some connecting wires which were made viable again with some contact cleaner available at the Historic Emporium. For all their trouble and friendly good efforts, Claire says, “Thank you.”

The Vanzant Picnic has been held in its current location since 1967, according to well-informed sources. It is always a stellar event with great music, games, food, and fellowship with seldom seen friends. It happens this Friday and Saturday, 12th and 13th, starting at six both evenings. Linda and Charlene up in Norwood, next door to the school, will be having another of their awesome indoor sales on those days from early morning until afternoon. Saturday morning will find the Second Saturday Skyline Swap Meet in full swing in the parking lot of the Brushy Knob Church at the corner of Highway 76 and Highway C. Garden produce, eggs, live poultry, puppies and myriad other things make this a great early morning outing. Everyone is welcome to participate. There are no set-up fees. The new Skyline VFD Firehouse right across the road is coming along nicely. One of these days there will probably be a grand opening ceremony. We will look forward to it and to all the lovely summertime stuff going on.

Holiday revelers were grateful that the rain held off for all the festivities and to have our aquifers recharged, while we are mindful of the hardship the hurricane has caused many in its path. Hopes are that the wash-out spots in our lovely country lanes will eventually be repaired and visitors unfamiliar with the perils may be able to return home unscathed
Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


July 7, 2024

CHAMPION—July 1, 2024



His Champion friends will not only correct Hovey Henson for claiming it was an upturned syrup kettle holding up the porch at the old store, but he will also be given what-for for misspelling Herbert Hutchison’s name on the back of the photo. There is no “en” in it according to one of Herbert’s distant kinfolks. Hovey is such a pleasant and gregarious fellow; he will likely be forgiven.

Skyline student Kayln Watkins had June 12th for her birthday. Hopes are she is having fun this summer. Friends at Vanzant sang that song to Sherry Bennett on Thursday, though her birthday had been earlier in the week. She smiled her sweet smile and sang some sweet songs of her own. An Old Champion, a real curmudgeon, celebrates on July 1st. Beverly Barnhart and Susan Dempsy share the 2nd for their big day. Virginia Canada has ties to Denlow and a birthday on the 5th. The Dali Lama and Janet Burns have their birthdays on July 6th. Walter Darrell Haden lived from July 6, 1931, to October 28, 2014. He was famous for his song “All the Late News from the Courthouse,” which shed humorous, if unwanted, light on Douglas County politics back in his day. Connie’s dad, Robert Brown, is one of the last alumni of the Champion School. He was 79 on the 7th in 2019. A Champion great grandson, Kruz Kutz, also has the 7th for his special day. Jenny Johns lives on her grandparents’ Centennial Farm. The 8th of July is her birthday and the big one for muleskinner William Chaffey. The 9th is for JoAnn Newberry. The ‘Newberry Shuffle” is a frequently heard tune out on the wide veranda. Skyline’s Lily Truillo has July 10th for her summertime birthday party. The 15th is for Blaine Denlow who will be four years old. She is already a mutton buster and can expect to get rodeo gear for her birthday. Blaine shares that day with Ruby Adams, a dazzling individual in dancing shoes.

Dora’s own Gina Hollingshad ushered in the Fourth of July observance with her high, clear voice in the Vanzant Jam circle on Thursday singing, “Oh! Beautiful for spacious skies.” It was a lovely way to start the celebration of events that were set in motion in 1640. It has been 384 years since the Mayflower landed. 248 years ago, we began to celebrate the Fourth of July as our day of Independence from the tyranny of the British. In 1838, Abe Lincoln said, “This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.” Those enjoyable performances at the jam will resume on July 18th. There will be no jam Thursday the 4th or on the 11th, because preparations for the Vanzant Community Picnic on the 12th and 13th will be well underway. This picnic is always a sterling event with music, food, games, raffles, and hobnobbing with old friends and new ones. Chances are good that various candidates for political offices will be in attendance. The test for earning one Champion’s vote up and down the ballot is, “Would he pull you out of a mud hole?”

Wednesday was a red-letter day in Champion. The General’s famed peanut butter ice cream was met with rave reviews. Charlie not only proffered a scrumptious frozen strawberry delight, but she was also one of the instigators of the Champion Pet Parade. A somewhat reluctant forty-pound plus boxer followed her on the parade route through the store. A young Arkansawyer traced the route with a lovely white chicken in arms. Neither the goose nor donkey appeared. Out on the porch, the band played on, joined by a big family of good singers and Kaitlyn McConnell with Mike O’Brien who had popped in to peruse cookbooks and soak up the cultural ambiance. Kaitlyn wrote, “These stops are always meaningful for me; as you sit around the wood stove in winter or on the porch when the sun smiles, you feel like you’re part of another world. I know there are stresses of life in Champion, but they seem a little farther away.”

One of the area’s chief prognosticators says that on the Fourth of July the creeks will all be down. He is not saying they will be dry but that they will be flowing big to overflowing. Saturday night’s thunderstorm dumped about four inches on Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


June 26, 2024

CHAMPION—June 24, 2024


Mt. Rushmore

The countryside is still humming with haymaking. Hundreds of big, beautiful bales scattered around in the fields and lined up neatly along fence rows attest to the farmers’ hard work. Not all their tractors are equipped with air conditioning. Hopes are that they wear their hats and stay hydrated. We rarely see square bales these days. One young Champion said bucking hay was the hardest work he ever did for the least amount of money. Ask some old timer about the record number of bales he was able to get onto an old pickup. You might not believe it.

Two of The General’s fair daughters have friends and family vicariously enjoying their epic road trip. They started in Missouri and proceeded 614 miles on the first day, planning to bed down in South Dakota. Sixty-three people from several states are following along online, making suggestions, recommending the Corn Palace, wishing them safe and fun-filled travels. They had their picture taken at Mt. Rushmore and they strolled around Devil’s Tower. The weather reports a lot of rain and flooding up that way, but these ladies are intrepid and good at having fun. They say, “We are having a fabulous time! We bypassed Crazy Horse this time, sadly, but we still have a few points of interest in our agenda, but all in Wyoming.” Asked about the weather: “Weather has been good. We bypassed lots of flooding in Iowa and eastern South Dakota tough. Luckily, no road closures when we went through.” When admonished to have fun for the rest of us, the response was, “Will do!”

Herbert, Hovey and Ed

The Mt. Grove High School Alumni Association Parade scheduled for July 6th will go off without Champion Hovey Henson this year. Dawn says that they will not be able to travel this summer–maybe in the fall. Alvin Barnhart said Hovey will be missed. He and Hovey go way back. A while back Hovey shared a photo of himself flanked by Herbert Hutchenson and Ed Henson out on the porch of the old Champion Store. The photo was taken back in the 1970s. The inscription on the back said that the store’s porch was propped up with three stones and a syrup kettle turned upside down. The response to his photo down at the Recreation of the Historic Emporium was mixed. While the nostalgia of seeing these gentlemen in their prime was pleasant enough, it was universally affirmed that the item propping up the porch was not a syrup kettle. The next time he is in the neighborhood, friends here will make it a point to straighten him out.

Yard sales and garage sales are part of summertime fun in these parts. Corrina Bell and family had one out on 95 Highway over the weekend where many interesting and useful items were proffered. She says she is cousin to practically everyone in Champion including Cowboy Jack and the Prominent Champion. She said she was named after that song “Corinna, Corinna.” Someone in her family was fond of that tune. Linda and Charlene will be having a sale in Norwood Friday and Saturday. We remember Linda’s Plant Place there where for years she furnished the area with garden starts and all manner of lovely growing things. It is still a lovely spot in Norwood. Folks living out on a couple of miles of rough dirt road must find other ways to get rid of their vast accumulations of great stuff.

Turkeys in the hay.

Controversy over the “First Ripe Tomato in Champion” contest is still ongoing, though the contest has not taken place in a few years. The Prominent Champion had a pretty one sliced to go with his lunch on Monday and said it was one of several he had enjoyed already. One of his neighbors claims to have had one ripen a week before his first one. That neighbor is still harboring resentment over the last official contest when she said the winner had bought the plant with the tomato already on it. Should the contest resume next year, the rules will be clearly made known.

It is too bad that Kaitlyn McConnell did not have the chance to get acquainted with Esther Wrinkles. Esther would be pleased to see the new Skyline VFD Firehouse rising up out of the picnic grounds, though she would surely lament the demise of the picnic. She had been instrumental in the establishment of the Skyline FVD long years ago and did her part and more to keep it going. In addition to more than fifty years of writing community columns for the local papers, Esther’s pies frequently brought healthy sums at local benefits and fund raisers. Her daughter-in-law, Teresa, has carried on the tradition using Esther’s recipes. Kaitlyn is compiling an Ozarks Alive pie recipe archive. Perhaps she and Teresa will have a chance to collaborate on Wednesday in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


June 22, 2024

CHAMPION—June 17, 2024


We celebrated pappas, dads, daddies, grandpas on Fathers’ Day. Children promised to be sure there was always enough duct tape and that the lights would be turned off in unoccupied rooms and the doors would be shut when the air conditioner was on. Going back 12 generations over 400 years, those fellows are part of the 4,094 ancestors that it has taken to get each person here today. They had struggles, battles, sadness, happiness, love stories, and hope for the future and here we are. Thanks.

Down from Jordan and on his way to visit an old friend outside of Ava, J.c. Owsley stopped off for a tour of the Denlow Cemetery where he has some distant kinfolks resting. James Ousley of the Seventh Tennessee Mounted Infantry was buried there in 1919. He was born in 1838, and along with Mary Ousley, also buried there, is one of the common ancestors of himself and The General. The General is a local genealogy expert, and a good cemetery guide, so much information was shared. Later they repaired to the Bright Side for lunch and general visiting with old friends and some new ones. The new friends share cattle raising interests and both seem to be well acquainted with a store in Versailles called Top Stitch. Apparently, a significant amount of money can be spent on sewing machines there and both their wives are regular customers. J.c. would have tarried longer, but he was on his way to see his old friend who had had a sinking spell. On his way out though, he made sure to buy all the cowbells the Historic Emporium had in stock. He hopes to be back more often to add to his cowbell collection and to keep up his good Champion connections. He recently went on a trail ride up Wyoming/Montana way, riding among the buffalo. He is such a cowboy he uses The Original Main ‘n Tail and Body Shampoo, and frequently shares photos of the upper end of his watershed or his back forty up in Cross Timbers.

J.c. will be sorry to miss the upcoming visit of his friend Kaitlyn McConnell. Kaitlyn is compiling a pie recipe archive, gathering recipes from all the little community, church, and fire department cookbooks all over the Ozarks. She plans to be in Champion on Wednesday the 26th to peruse some of the local publications. She will photograph her selections, so no books will leave the premises. Perhaps she will bring a pie!

Deannetta Burress and her husband took a big pile of money to the bank on Monday, the proceeds of the Haro Family Benefit held on Saturday. She said the event was wonderful. The Ava Middle School cafeteria was full of people all offering their support for this much-loved family. She thanked Hucklebucks, Town and Country Grocery, and all those who donated their time, services, merchandise, auction donations, and money. This kind of community compassion makes Ava a jewel in the Ozarks. One day the Haro Brothers Restaurant will open again.

Gary Hutchison is the unofficial mayor of Dunn. He has a pink mailbox and lots of stories to tell. Gary has deep connections to Champion and was witness to some of the interesting happenings in these parts in the old days. His birthday was on Father’s Day this year. He has a wealth of children, grand ones and great ones to wish him well on both accounts. It seems to take very little to keep old folks busy, so often we lose touch with old friends. It was good to visit with Gary. We are admonished to pick up the phone and connect with each other. Or go knock on a door.

Haymakers have been in hog-heaven this last week. How many bales to the acre does a good hay field yield? Weather’s wild variations have kept farmers busy and gardeners grateful for the first cucumbers and green beans. Feasting like Champions—Looking on the Bright Side!


June 13, 2024

CHAMPION—June 10, 2024



The Skyline Saturday Swap Meet went on nicely despite an early morning rain. Good farm eggs, fried pies and cracker jack caramel corn, little bunny rabbits and free puppies were just some of the interesting offerings. Meeting up with old friends and neighbors made it a beautiful morning. Helen had some onions and carrots already and said by the next time she will have cucumbers to share. Summer will be here ‘er long and this swap meet will be a regular highlight.

Another piece of excitement comes with the progress on the new Skyline VFD firehouse. It is a big red building with three big bays. One of these days the fire trucks will be parked in there and there will be a training room and all kinds of amenities that have been a long time in coming.

Thursday’s jam at Vanzant was lovely if sparsely attended. HOBA’s big festival in West Plains and other bluegrass events drew a number of musicians and regular aficionados away, but they will be back, and everyone is welcome to this great Thursday night affair. Potluck is at 6:00 and the music starts at 7:00 on the dot. Bring your acoustic instrument, your voice and your appreciation for the music out to the Vanzant Community Building for the pleasure of communing with old friends and making new ones. Music is good medicine. Wednesday’s Champion porch jam gets an additional musician occasionally—always a treat. A lovely rumor has it that J.c. Owsley will venture down from Cross Timbers to take a tour of the Denlow Cemetery on Wednesday. Thereafter he plans a sojourn out on the wide veranda for refreshments and music. He has been to Champion many times in the distant past, once on a big white borrowed mule named Dot and another time on a handsome horse named Junior. This time he will be in the company of The General, who is well known for horsing around. He recently was able to entice a lady to attend the Vanzant Jam by promising to wear a grass skirt. She came. He did. Of course, he did.

Monday had excitement out on Cold Springs Road. Tony, an illustrious Rt. 72 mail carrier, making his rounds, found himself stuck in a washed-out spot in Wolf Pen Hollow. He walked halfway to the Bright Side and up a steep driveway to find a phone. Good luck had him talking to Blaine Denlow’s dad who was on his way home from Brushy Knob. It probably happened that Wes pulled Tony’s rig backwards out of the gravel until he got to a wide enough place to go around him. Then, he pulled him forward through the gravel so he could continue his appointed rounds. It may have happened another way, but Tony was lucky to meet a good neighbor. He said he had delivered mail up around Cabool where the roads are much better. While the roadside flowers and overhanging boughs here are amazingly beautiful, the paths themselves are rough and rugged.

One of the many things Old Champions like about their White River Valley Electric Cooperative is that they seldom loose power even in the big storms because the right-of-way spaces are kept clear. The cooperative is vigilant about tree trimming. They have also strung fiber-optic cables all along the power lines and one of these sweet days members will be able to access substantial, reliable internet. That means distant young folks with on-line jobs can come to see the old folks and stay a spell. They will bring fancy food stuffs and will be looking for projects for exercise. They will get to enjoy country living and help the old folks. It will be a dream come true. So, come on, White River, Connect!

Television reporting of the June 6, 1944, D Day invasion of Normandy reminded us of the sacrifices of those called ‘the greatest generation’ whose efforts were largely responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. General Eisenhower visited with the paratroopers before they deployed in advance of the amphibious invasion. Film records of that meeting showed him to be the leader that was needed for the time. We salute those Veterans and all those serving since those tumultuous days. Thank you from your friends in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!

Skyline VFD's New Firehouse
Skyline VFD’s new firehouse.

June 9, 2024

CHAMPION—June 3, 2024



Haymaking is dicey this time of the year under normal circumstances.  Abnormal conditions are almost normal these days.  Overall, Champions are grateful that things are no worse.  Other parts of the country are dealing with the aftermath of storms that went around us.  Farmers keep a weather eye out and do what must be done to feed the country.  Farming in these parts has never been easy.  Our predecessors here had skills that have long gone by the way.  One of those skills that we hope to see again at the seventh Pioneer Heritage Festival is that pedal scroll saw pedaled by Brian Thompson.  He makes words in wood.  All those exhibitors of skills and crafts have things to teach us.  The festival is set for early October and organizers are already lining up musicians, exhibitors, and volunteers, and doing all the other hard work that goes into making it a great event.  Anyone interested in participating or helping in any way can call 417-746-4006.  Maybe we will hear something like the Razorback Waltz by Cotton Combs (1921-1984).

Felix the Farmer probably sang that birthday song to his Grandpapa on Sunday.  He has a good voice and a wonderful Grandpapa.  Champions will be singing the song to their friend Kaitlyn McConnell on June 6th.  She will probably have pie since she is baking favorite pie recipes of friends and followers her Ozarks Alive blog.  Hopes are she’ll bring another one to Champion one of these days.  She shares her birthday with Dave Medlock who comes to Champion on sunny Wednesdays via motorcycle and without banjo.  Champion Wayne Sutherland was 85 in 2015 on June 7th.  Kaylin Watkins will be a sixth grader at the Skyline School in the fall.  Her birthday is June 12th and hopes are she is having a wonderful summer.  She may get to play in the creek.

The HOBA folks will have their live shows over in West Plains on June 6-8.  They always have a good line up of musical talent.  It is the 41st Annual Spring Bluegrass Festival.  Campers began arriving on June 1st, and likely there will be jamming all over the park every day this week.  Thursday’s Vanzant Jam may contribute a musician or two, but the beat will still go on in the Community Building anyway.  It also goes on out on the wide veranda in Champion most Wednesdays starting around 11:00.  It is a treat when Joann Laurence joins in.  Anybody with any acoustic instrument or a voice to sing is welcome.

Any day of the week, save Sunday, is a good day to meet up with friends down on the wide, wild, wooly banks of Old Fox Creek.  June’s cold old wood stove still offers a point around which yarns may be spun.  On Saturday the whole of the Historic Emporium was designated a liar’s corner.  So, friends and neighbors discussed their gardening efforts, recent local events, politics, epic journeys, and local histories while they picked ticks and told lies.  Some of the lies had a grain of truth in them while others were pure fabrications.  The frequent question is:  to Deet or not to Deet?  It seems that even those who spray up still get ticks.  A pleasant gentleman steeped in local lore recently told of a fellow who was crossing the country on his way west when he noticed a tick on him.  He said that he just let it gnaw on him all the way to California where he pulled it off and let it go, thus augmenting the tick population of California.  Folks there may not have it as a gift.  Some are questioning the value of a number of so-called gifts such as old age and declining stamina.  Nevertheless, gratitude and optimism are watch words in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


May 28, 2024

CHAMPION—May 27, 2024


Champions are feeling blessed and grateful that the wild, dangerous weather passed us by. At the same time, neighbors all around the country are cleaning debris, calculating their losses, and formulating plans for how to proceed. Like the song says, “Time is filled with swift transitions.”

The 38th Denlow/Fairview School Reunion went off without a hitch. It also went off without many who, for reasons of traffic and health, were unable to make it. The number of surviving students is dwindling. There were four Denlow students in attendance and three from Fairview this year. The rest of the crowd was made up of descendants of alumni, friends, and neighbors. The fish, chicken, and sides were scrumptious, and the fellowship sweet. Pete and The General did a fine job with the auction, eliciting as much laughter as money.

Memorial Day—a time of remembrance and reverence. While only about one percent of the population are serving, most Americans are descendants, relatives, friends, neighbors, or acquaintances of people who are serving or who have served. The many who lost their lives in that service, the service of keeping the rest of us free in our precious democracy, are the reason for this holiday. One hundred eleven flags in the Denlow Cemetery mark the Veterans resting there. Putting their lives on the line is the nature of that service.

Ed Henson, genial storekeeper, friend, and neighbor was born May 27, 1903. He is well regarded by people who never met him but have heard the many rich stories of Champion’s early days. Paula Mudd celebrates that day and has the benefit of having many of her children and grandchildren near to help her party. A few of the others who started their lives that day are Henry Kissinger—1923, Vincent Price—1911, Rachel Carson—1907, Dashel Hammett—1894, Wild Bill Hickock—1837, and Cornelius Vanderbilt—1794. Every day of the year has some notable attached to it.

Walls are going up! Bright red walls are going up on the Skyline Area Volunteer Fire Department’s new fire house! It has been a long process. Back on December 12, 2023, a Skyline Assistant Fire Chief posted: “We had the exciting opportunity to hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the new fire station. This project has been in the works for several years now. Some of you may not be aware that there is no running water at the station and no facilities such as bathrooms. This makes it difficult to hold board meetings training events and so on. But the wait is finally over. As you drive by the firehouse, you will start to notice progress being made. Skyline area volunteer fire department would like to thank everyone who came out and showed their support—Squires Fire, Good Hope Fire, Sheriff Degase, and Commissioner Travis Chaney. A big thank you to CDBG and Jessica Moran with CDBG and South-Central Ozark council of governments for making this happen.” It is happening and the whole community is glad.

On Saturday, June 15th, the Ava community will come together in support of the Haro Family. The benefit will be held at the Ava Middle School Cafeteria. At 5 pm Hucklebucks BBQ will serve dinner with donated sides for $15.00 per plate—water, tea or coffee provided. There will be an auction at 6 pm with donated items. Reach out to Deannetta (417) 683-0840 or Rose Zella 683-0826 to donate. Deanna Riley writes, “Sal and Silvia Haro were two of the kindest people in Ava! It didn’t matter if you were at the restaurant or saw them a store, you could always be sure Sal was going to wave big with a giant smile on his face, while Silvia always greeted with a big smile and the hugs that only a mother could give. They treated everybody like family. They cared about their community, and they showed it. This loss hits deep and hard. Please make time to join this benefit and help this family, just as they have helped others. Please show up and pack the building just as so many have done at their restaurant.”

Sudden tragedy, dangerous weather, horrific disasters, and merciless warfare join old age, disease, famine, and crime to reduce the global population. Still, there are a lot of us. We endeavor to persevere, to be grateful, compassionate and optimistic—Champions! Looking on the Bright Side!
