We can tell the seasons are changing with these delightful temperatures and the exodus of most of the hummingbirds. A few are lingering around yet while their families have flown to Louisiana to fuel up for their jet stream flight over to the Yucatan. They may make this round trip as many as eight times in their life spans. For such tiny little things, they are resilient and they remember where they came from—from the Bright Side!

Good neighbors up on C highway a little north of Skyline have fruit trees bending over with the weight of the fruit, apples, and pears. They are pleased to freely share with passersby. It is a bountiful little orchard. Back before the pandemic, before the internet, and before everyone had television, friends and neighbors would drop in unannounced. They might call first, but often as not, they would just show up. The coffee pot was always on. The children would romp, and the grownups would sit around the table discussing the crops, the livestock, the other neighbors, the war, or the politicians. Technology has made us more and less connected at the same time. The wide veranda at the Champion Store and the chairs and tables back by the old wood stove still provide a place for neighbors to meet and trade their news, insights, and observations. Genealogists, historians, and yarn spinners are regularly there.

The PTO of the Skyline School has a wonderful fundraiser going currently, selling gorgeous two gallon mum plants in a lovely array of colors. Bud says when they sell this bunch, they will get more. The Parent Teacher Organization is responsible for many good works for our little school. We are reminded also to save those Best Choice UPC barcodes for the school. They get traded for money. Any support for this great little outfit is worth it. Solid citizens who will be running things ‘er long are roaming those halls these days. (Studebaker) Bob Berry just sent a lovely Gibson guitar to school. Cheyenne McIntosh will make good use of it in her guitar classes. If you have one languishing in your closet or under your bed, let go of it for the future of good music. Music is proven to be a great brain stimulator and children who have the advantage of music education perform better in all their academic and social situations.

Fiddlers in overalls make the Vanzant Jam a sweeter circle. Overalls are not a required uniform for them, but they look comfortable as they add melodiousness and harmony to the round of tunes. Jerry Wagner adds fun, and it is always a joy to hear him take a break on an old standard like “Red Wing” or “Soldiers’ Joy.”

Tanna (Krider) Wiseman attended Skyline. She is the daughter of a great musician and the mother of a couple of aspiring ones. Her birthday is September 13th. The 14th is for Ellie Strong, a first grade student at Skyline. Dear Frances Southerland had her birthday on the 14th. She passed away a few years ago as did Elmer Banks whose birthday was on the 15th. They were each pleasant and interesting people, if very different. Both are much missed and well-remembered. Champion Pat Kim Smith shares the 15th birthday with a Mountain Grove gal who goes by the name Tigger. Three Skyline kindergarten students have their birthdays on September 17th, 18th, and 19th. They are Jackson Johnson, Bailey Kilgore, and Gabriella Ryals. Happy birthday to all of you–many happy returns.

We recall the events of September 11, 2001. All of us who are old enough to remember that day remember it well. It was a terrible day. Many terrible things have happened since then and, doubtlessly, many more will happen by nature and by man. But, while we are here now, basking in our comfort and security, we can acknowledge the sacrifices and suffering of people the world over. We can hope for better days for everyone and do what we can to help. Champions—Looking on the Bright Side!
