CHAMPION—August 26, 2024
Excerpted from “Champion school Memories” published in 1985: “In the fall of 1892, the school board met and drew up specifications for a new schoolhouse and advertised the same for bids.” “The last day of school held at Champion was on April 24, 1959.” There are a few Champion students yet, and a few of them will rendezvous for a reunion. Last year there were five attending, but there are others scattered around the country. The Historic Emporium was full of descendants, friends and neighbors all celebrating this exceptional little spot on the map with such a rich history. Everyone is welcome to the celebration. There is a potluck luncheon at noon and plenty of visiting before and afterward. We hope to see you there, Saturday, August 31st.
The 34th Champion School Reunion was held on September 2, 2018. Scrolling through the photos there you may see Richard and Kaye Johnston, Robert and Connie Brown and Paul Brown, Harold and Eva Phillips, J.R. and Janet Johnston, Wilma Hutchison, Royce and Jody Henson, Wayne and Frances Sutherland, Laine Sutherland, Tanna, Kalyssa and Foster Wiseman, Fae Krider, Robert Upshaw, Dean Brixey, Beverly Keller Dooms, David and Irene Dooms and many others. It is a joy to see their faces and smiles again if only on the computer screen. Many are missed and good memories of them reside with the rest of us.
From “Champion School Memories” again: “In 1955, eight school districts were reorganized and the Skyline R-2 School District was formed…Black Oak Flat, Pea Vine, Pine Park, Stoney Point, Cold Springs, Brushy Knob, Denlow, and St. James.” In 1959, Champion, Fielden, East Fairview, East Dogwood, Diamond and Vera Cruz were consolidated into the Skyline district. Skyline is still going strong with more than 90 students, preschool to the 8th grade, and some recent significant upgrades on the campus. There is new flooring in the cafeteria, front hallways, library and offices. The front hallways have all been painted to match school colors. The roof is being completely replaced by West Plains Roofing. The front bathrooms are being remodeled. To be thanked are Tyler Williams for flooring, Brooks Williams, Candace Mayberry and Erica Sudderth for painting and updating. It is a bright and beautiful place doing important necessary work. Thanks! One of only two rural schools left in Douglas County, the importance of this vital institution to the community cannot be overstated.
Thanks too to the Skyline Area Volunteer Fire Department for looking out for our health and safety! They were just granted an award of $2,530 and used the funds to purchase battery-powered tools, including a chainsaw, Sawzall, and glass cutter, to enhance their extrication and forcible entry capabilities. The department expresses its gratitude to Jessica Miller and the FFAM family for their support in acquiring these game-changing tools. The new firehouse is beautiful, and we will be looking forward to an open house celebration soon!
Back on August 21st Skyline VFD Lieutenant Terrell Johnson had a birthday. Champion grandson Drayson Cline had one on the 23rd and his uncle Dakota Watts had one on the 24th. Skyline fifth grader Lauren Collins shares her birthday with Barbara Krider on the 25th. Barbara lives in Illinois near Rita Krider whose birthday is on the 26th. Felix the Farmer’s dad also celebrates that day. Skyline first grade student Mia Truillo’s birthday is on the 27th. Bill (Wes) Smith, Minnie Jo Henson and Steve Moody all have birthdays on the 29th. Fifth grader Brantley Kilgore, kindergartener Chaseton Shelton and fourth grader Jason Smith all celebrate that day too. Laine Sutherland and Wayne Anderson have both passed away, but they are well remembered and missed on their birthdays on the 30th. Kalyssa Wiseman, Jenna Brixey and Skyline eighth-grader Aiden Ray Hurt all celebrate on the 31st. Skyline R-2 School staff Sarah Goss and Carolyn Willhite had birthdays on the 13th and the 23rd. Happy birthday to all of you. We acknowledge and appreciate you.
Pulled pork and baked beans and other delights were the Wednesday treats celebrating a political victory and optimism in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
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