CHAMPION—September 9, 2024
Some gardens are winding down and some are just getting going. The fall garden is a joy to behold in downtown Champion, replete with zinnias. Visitors from Mississippi were out playing horseshoes by the garden and photographing all the local sites. They are the parents of a young woman who has recently married a young man from Norwood. It turns out he has lots of kinfolks in this part of Booger County. The couple have settled over near Vanzant and hopes are they will be joining the jam on Thursday evenings. She has picked up her guitar again after having neglected it while attending college. The General persuaded her to play his while he went off for a candy bar. She strummed a few chords and thinks it will be nice to sit on her porch in the evening with her guitar, a smaller version. If her singing voice is anything like her mother’s, Vanzant will be much enhanced. Her parents and young nephew were headed back to Mississippi Thursday, but plan to be back often. Her dad thinks he might join the B Group for morning coffee at the Junction Store, formerly known as The Boated Goat.
Skyline’s Second Saturday Swap meet happens again on the 14th—the last one of an eventful summer. We thank the instigators, Helen Batten and others, for putting this together for the community. The Brushy Knob Church at the corner of Highway C and 76 has shared its parking lot for the event. Thanks. Garden produce, baked goods, crafts, kittens, puppies, goats and other critters and variety of fowl have made it well worth the trip out. Meet friends and neighbors there.
Ellie Strong is a second-grade student at Skyline. Her birthday is on the 14th. First grader Jackson Johnson will enjoy the 17th for his big day and another first grader, Bailey Kilgore will have the 18th. Skyline alumnus, Tanna Krider Wiseman celebrates on the 13th. She has recently solicited gallon pickle jars for the purpose of making Fire Cider. She says it is supposed to help with chest congestion and head colds for the winter. It has jalapenos, orange and lemon, apple cider vinegar and herbs. We will hope not to need it but we will be interested to hear how it works. On the 15th we remember Elmer Banks. He moved here in 1997, but before long knew the history and pedigree of many of the locals and all his neighbors. He was a gregarious interesting fellow. Another gregarious, interesting, fun-loving individual shares that day—Pat Kim Smith. She has many sterling attributes now including line dancing. Her sweetheart may give her a ride in his new pickup—a Dodge, bought on his own birthday back on the 29th of August. Patrick Mahomes was 28 on September 17th, 2023. Now he will be 29 and will continue to be our Chiefs’ superhero. Donald Krider grew up in these parts and has deep family ties here. He lives up around Peoria, Illinois and celebrates his birthday on the 18th.
Linda and Charlene are having another great sale there in Norwood on Friday and Saturday. Charlene has added to her inventory some great recent finds and Linda continues to divest herself of treasures. It seems that we cannot help but accumulate things. It is nice to pass them on. Enjoy.
The American Cup folks in Mountain Grove are hosting a fundraising event for Hero’s Rest. It is the first ever U.S. retreat center dedicated to serving first responders. It is located right here in Champion. The fund raiser is happening on Saturday the 14th with music, barbecue, some great gun raffles and the chance to support the people who support us when we need it most.
With all the political excitement going on it is good to look back at our nation’s beginnings: “Government is instituted for the common good: for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.” John Adams said that. He was born October 30,1735 and died July 4,1826. He has been gone a long time now but his words still make him a real Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
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